Stakeholder Forum
The PARSEC Stakeholder Forum (PSF) is an operational body created in the framework of our three-year long research and innovation project. PSF becomes a forum where all relevant stakeholders can receive and exchange information, discuss, meet, make proposals, agree on follow-up actions, take up and consider implementation of results from the PARSEC-project. A key objective is to ensure systematic contact with a wider circle of stakeholders relevant for the subject of enhancing parcel security, and PARSEC innovation activities and technological and procedural results in particular. The PSF has also the objective to be a place where project partners can be informed about similar projects and initiatives, and relevant events which are scheduled. In addition, organisers of related initiatives and events can be informed about PARSEC activities and possible research results open to the public.
The PSF participants will cover several sectors, some of them becoming fixed PSF-members, being always invited to attend PSF-meetings; while the rest becoming ad-hoc participants who are only invited when topics of relevance for them will be on the meeting agenda. Below we share examples of potential future PSF members - it is important to note that with the exception of group-1, all the other possible PSF members are still to-be approached by PARSEC (and naturally they can end up declining such invitations).
European Institutions
The sectors which are likely to provide members of the PSF are first of all the European Institutions and the European Commission in particular. Here the option exists that special meetings of the PSF will be organised as and when required which will be exclusively for Commission services and PARSEC partners.
Competent authorities with control function
The second group of envisaged participants are the competent authorities which have a control function in relation to parcel and letter cross-border operations - mainly the Customs administrations, the Police authorities, emergency services and transport authorities (in particular aviation) of EU Member States and beyond. Their associations such as the World Customs Organisation (WCO), INTERPOL, or Europol, may also be invited to join the PSF activities.
Transport and handling services
The third group of envisaged participants are the transport and handling services which are handling the parcels and letters from end to end, such as the postal services and express couriers. Their associations such as the Universal Postal Union (UPU), PostEurop, International Postal Corporation (IPC), Global Express Association (GEA) or European Express Association (EEA) may also be invited to join the PSF activities.
Associated logistics services
The fourth group are the associated logistics services such as the freight forwarders, shippers, agents, e-commerce operators and other logistics service providers; as well as their associations.
Technology companies
The fifth are composed of the technology companies who perform research, testing, production, sales and maintenance of security and detection equipment; as well as their associations.
Representatives of similar and relevant projects
The sixth and last group are the representatives of similar and relevant research and innovation projects.

Procedures and schedule
The procedures for the PSF are straightforward and flexible. Possible members and ad-hoc participants are invited by the PARSEC Coordinator. The PARSEC Executive Board (PEB) is informed regularly of the composition, events and invitations issued and is asked to endorse the actions taken. The coordinator will take into account the PEB decision on the PSF actions as required.
All consortium partners are informed of the activities as part of the Full consortium meeting proceedings. The meetings will be organized as the need arises with a minimum of two meetings per year (= total six for the project duration). Meetings can be plenary meetings where all stakeholders are invited or more restricted to certain groups or participants dependent on the content to be handled and relevance for the PSF participants. The PSF can organize also events, which can take the form of demos, simulations or other practical events where the results, working methods, operations and findings can be shared with the participants. On the other hand, the PSF could also meet as a side-event of a larger (international) event relevant for and fitting in the PARSEC project activities.
The PSF round-1 meetings are scheduled as follows: 1st live session in October 2022 and 1st virtual session in April 2023 (note: these two sessions are joined by complementary sets of participants). Enquiries about PSF plans and future activities can be sent by email to: parsec@cbra.services