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Year 2023

The World Customs Organization Technology Conference 2023 in Ha Noi, Viet Nam - “Embracing the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology, Fostering Innovation, and Nurturing the Next Generation of Customs Professionals”

Hà Nội, Viet Nam

10 -12 Oct 2023

Partner UKBF presented on innovative aspects of PARSEC project, and linkages to PEN-CP customs innovation network. In addition, some 60 leaflets were handed out by partner CBR. (on-site and online: total over 1000 registered participants).

Workshop: CBP-ADEPT-05 - Customs and Border Protection Advanced Developments Encompassing Processes and Technologies


Boston, the USA

26 Jul 2023

PARSEC project overview, with some technical details, was presented by partners HALO and Dynaxion.

TAPA EMEA, RESILIENCE@RISK Conference & Exhibition

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

14-15 Jun 2023

Some 100 PARSEC leaflets were made available at a TAPA stand, for the 500 delegates who attended the event.

WCO-UPU Global Conference, specifically Session 4 “Cross-border e-commerce in postal items-what data work and how it can be utilized?”

Tokyo, Japan

6-8  Jun 2023

PARSEC was promoted (by partner CBR) during the PEN-CP presentation on the annual study “Customs Innovations for Fighting Fraud and Trafficking in Cross-border Parcel Flows”. And, some 30 leaflets were handed to the event participants.

RISE-SD 2023, EU Research and Innovation show in the field of Civil Protection & Defense

Rhodes, Greece

29-31 May 2023

First, PARSEC had it´s own booth at the event exhibition area, where visitors were briefed about the project, its objectives, innovation ambitions etc. Second, PARSEC Coordinator (CBS) delivered a slide show during one of the presentation sessions at the event. Third, some 200 PARSEC leaflets were included in the event bags, handed to all participants when they first arrived at the event.

OECD Task Force Meeting on Countering Illicit Trade

Paris, France

16-17 Mar 2023

PARSEC introduced and 15 leaflets handed out (by partner-CBR expert)

Workshop Swiss and EU start-up support, hybrid online & @Lausanne

Lausanne, Switzerland

17 Jan 2023

PARSEC used as an example of an EU-funded project (by partner-CBS expert)

INCB - 3rd international expert group meeting on expanding International Narcotics Control Board lists of dangerous substances with no known legitimate use and novel approaches for their identification in falsified or illicitly manufactured pharmaceuticals - closed door event

Vienna, Austria

21 Sep 2023

A team of six experts from PARSEC (UKBF, DYN, HALO, CBR, CBS) and PEN-CP projects delivered a 1 hour 45 minute session titled “Two European research and innovation projects bridging Customs and Pharma sectors in the fight against illicit trade: PARSEC for detection and material identification and PEN-CP for innovation boosting partnership”

In addition, PARSEC leaflets were handed to all participants (a pack of 50 leaflets total).

Projects to Policy Seminar (PPS), co-organised by DG HOME and REA

Brussels, Belgium

14-15 Jun 2023

PARSEC project overview was presented by the Coordinator (CBS) during the breakout session dedicated to Border Management projects. Plus, table at the Border Management dedicated booth was used to pass 60 PARSEC leaflets to the PPS event participants.

PHARMAP 2023, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packaging Congress

Geneva, Switzerland

12-13 Jun 2023

PARSEC (partner CBR) delivered a joint presentation with PEN-CP: “Fighting trade in illicit medicines through technological innovation and cooperation between customs and the pharmaceutical industry.” 

And, 80 PARSEC leaflets were made available for over 250 pharmaceutical sector professionals (by partner UNIL).

Advancing Research and Innovation in Security with Horizon Europe - hybrid event organised by the Euresearch Network Office

Lausanne, Switzerland

6 Jun 2023

PARSEC was showcased (by partner CBS) as an example of “EU Horizon RDI projects, where industry and academia work closely with customs, police and postal end-users”.

PEN-CP Year-4 Annual Event

Tirana, Albania

25-28 Apr 2023

PARSEC promoted and leaflets handed to approx 25 customs experts from 9 administrations (by partner-CBS expert)

Security & Policing Event

Farnborough, UK

14-16 Mar 2023

PARSEC promoted alongside UK Governmental Agencies & one dozen leaflets handed out (by partner-CBR expert; also UKBF experts present)

PARSEC at WCO Hanoi Conference 1.webp

Year 2022

The 25th Administrative Meeting for National Contact Points of WCO Regional Liaison Office Eastern and Central Europe (RILO ECE)



8 Nov 2022

PARSEC introduced to approximately 40 Customs officers across RILO ECE member administrations (by partner-CBR expert)

WCO Technology Exhibition

Maastricht, the Netherlands

18-20 Oct 2022

100 PARSEC leaflets handed out (at partner-UNIL booth; also DCA experts were present at the exhibition)

CERIS Border Management Expert Group

Brussels, Belgium

13-14 Oct 2022

15 PARSEC leaflets handed out (by partner-CBS expert)

EU High-level Customs Risk Management event - during CZ PRES the High-Level Seminar focused on the area of risk management and risk analysis

Czech Republic

24-26 Oct 2022

50 PARSEC leaflets handed out to all participants, primarily intelligence and risk management directors across all Member States (by partner-CBR expert)

Parcel+Postal Expo

Frankfurt, Germany

18-20 Oct 2022

100 PARSEC leaflets handed out (at a PARSEC Stakeholder Forum, PSF-member booth)

PEN-CP Penday Sep2022


12 Sep 2022

Presenting PARSEC in monthly online event to approximately 8 administrations & 24 Customs officers (by partner-CBS expert)

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